Long Creek Trance
1st in the Veteran class on Saturday  ~  Reserve Veteran Champion both Saturday & Sunday  ~  Carolinas Autumn Fest 2007
1st in Bred By Exhibitor ~  Russell Rescue Benefit Trial II 2006
Reserve Open Dog  ~ GA Fall Spectacular 2004
Reserve Best Dog  ~ GA Fall Event 2004 II
Reserve Open Dog  ~ Carolinas Spring Classic 2002
Carolina's Autumn ~ Fest Best Open Terrier 2001
4-6 month Puppy Champ  ~ Carolinas Winter Festival 2000
Best Southern Bred as well as Carolina
's Bred
Puppy champ ~ GA  Premiere 2000


Baer Normal & Cerf Clear
PLL Normal
Sire To: Royal Major, Royal Audrey, and Royal Charlie.
©2011 All rights reserved.
All images and graphics are property of Long Creek Jack Russell Terriers
Sire: Loblolly Jinx
Dam: Loblolly Brillo
DOB: 09-23-99
Height: 13"
Coat: Rough
Color: Tri-Color
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